How can I learn more about MSBA-funded projects in my District(s)?
There are many ways the MSBA distributes information on a project:
- A general overview of the district's public schools and projects in which the MSBA is participating can be found using our Your School map tool. Just select your district and select "View Projects..." at the top.
- Information on upcoming site visits and events are posted on our Calendar. You can also follow us on Twitter or "like us" on Facebook to get daily updates on site visits, meetings, and other announcements.
- See how much the MSBA has paid to a district using our projected Prior Grant Payments information, which is updated annually.
- When a project has been presented at our Board of Directors' meeting, you can find the information on our Board Meetings page following the meeting.
- You can view MSBA payments to a district using our projected Prior Grant Payments information, which is updated annually.
When does the Board of Directors meet?
Our Board meets six times a year. The schedule is posted on our Board of Directors Meetings page, our Calendar, and announced as they approach on our News and Events page. If a project in your District is scheduled to appear on the Board Meeting agenda, you will be contacted prior to the meeting and invited to attend.
I'm getting questions from my district about a project. Where can I learn more about the MSBA process?
The MSBA process is broken down into modules in our Building With Us section. The Building With Us page includes a flow chart showing the overview of the process. You can also print out these Process Overview Charts (PDF) for reference and contact us with your questions.
Still have questions?
Please visit our Helpful Information & Links page or contact our Director of External Affairs Maria Puopolo at 617-720-4466.