Getting Started: Information for Consultants & Construction Professionals


Information for Consultants & Construction Professionals

Where can I find more information about the MSBA’s process?

The MSBA process is broken down into modules in our Building With Us section. The page includes a flow chart showing the overview of the process. You can also print out these Process Overview Charts (PDF) for reference and contact us with your questions. The process begins with the submission of a Statement of Interest ("SOI") during our annual open submission period.

Once a Statement of Interest has been submitted, what happens next?

Districts can submit a Statement of Interest to either our Accelerated Repair Program, which deals with facilities that may need roof, window, and/or boiler replacements, but are otherwise structurally sound, or our Core Program, which is for projects in need of a larger scope of work.

MSBA staff reviews the submitted SOIs and works to validate the issues identified by districts in their SOI submissions. During this process, the MSBA may seek to obtain additional or clarifying information from districts and determine the appropriate level of due diligence.

If the MSBA invites a district into the Eligibility Period, which requires a vote of the MSBA Board of Directors, the district and the MSBA will work collaboratively to determine potential solutions to the issues identified in the SOI.

How can I track the progress of potential and approved projects in the MSBA’s Capital Pipeline?

The MSBA has prepared several documents that are updated frequently to assist you in tracking the progress of Statements of Interest ("SOIs") and proposed projects on the Building With Us page. There you can find Project Information: the Project Overview Report presented at our Board Meetings, the Capital Pipeline Status Chart, Estimated Bid Schedules, and Consultant/Contractor Status. You can also find Cost Data Information: Designer and OPM Fees, Estimated Construction and Total Project Cost Data, and Bid Results for Awarded Construction Contracts.

How can I find information on potential upcoming work with the MSBA?

The MSBA grant process begins with the Board of Directors voting a district into the Eligibility Period. The potential vote of the MSBA Board of Directors to invite a District into the Eligibility Period is based on a review of the District’s Statement of Interest and staff due diligence and recommendation. Once a potential project has been invited into the MSBA’s Eligibility Period, information regarding that potential project is posted and updated as the project progresses through the MSBA’s Capital Pipeline in our “Capital Pipeline Status Chart” in the "Project Information" section of our Building With Us page. The chart describes the status of potential and approved projects as they are categorized by the MSBA. You can also learn what potential projects have been invited into the Eligibility Period following every Board of Director’s meeting on our Eligibility Period page.

Where can I get current bidding information?

Our estimated bid data and the bid results of awarded contracts information is updated after every Board meeting. We post the estimated bid schedule and bid results on our Building With Us page under "Project Information."  

Where can I find standard contracts and forms?

The MSBA provides valuable resources, including model procurement documents for districts to use when procuring a designer or Owner’s Project Manager (“OPM”), standard contracts for districts to use when contracting with a designer or OPM, and model vote language to use for local votes on our Guidelines, Policies & Prerequisite Forms page. You will find guidelines, policies, Eligibility Period prerequisite forms, Design Submission Review templates, Budget Revision Request Forms, Closeout Audit Forms, Science Lab Guidelines and prototypical plans, and our Green School initiative information on this page.

If you are looking for Project Agreements or documents specific to OPMs and designers, use our Model Contracts & Procurement Forms page.

Does the MSBA advertise for professional and vendor services? Where do you post information on open procurements?

Yes, the MSBA does advertise for professional services and the services of vendors to help support the MSBA’s mission. When available, open procurements will be listed in our Working with the MSBA/Procurement section.

I am currently working on an MSBA project, but I have questions on some of the documents, where can I get help?

The MSBA issues Project Advisories as informational updates for Districts, Owner’s Project Managers (OPMs) and Designers in an effort to facilitate the efficient and effective administration of proposed projects currently pending review by the MSBA and/or projects with a Project Scope and Budget Agreement or Project Funding Agreement. If you do not find an answer to your question there, you can also contact your assigned MSBA Project Manager or Project Coordinator for assistance.

How can I stay updated on public meetings at the MSBA?

The MSBA posts information on meetings in a number of places on the website, the best resource for public meetings, site visits, and events is our Calendar. Additionally, meetings, agendas and further details can be found on the following pages:

MSBA Board of Directors

Owner's Project Managers



I am assisting a District in the preparation of an event for their project. Does the MSBA accept invitations to attend project events; and who should I contact at the MSBA?

The MSBA is pleased to accept invitations to groundbreakings, ribbon cuttings, topping out ceremonies, and other district events for projects receiving MSBA funding. When available, MSBA Executive Director/Deputy C.E.O. Mary Pichetti and/or State Treasurer and MSBA Chair Deborah Goldberg will attend and offer a few words for the speaking program. The MSBA will always try to send a representative to events whenever possible. Contact our Director of Administration & Operations Matt Donovan for more information (617) 720-4466.

Once confirmed, we post information on upcoming site visits and events on our Calendar.

I recently saw an MSBA presentation. Where can I view or download a copy of that presentation?

We are occasionally asked to speak at conferences, events, and meetings. If we present a PowerPoint, we often post a PDF version of the presentation for reference in our News and Events section under "Presentations." 

Still have questions?

Please visit our Helpful Information & Links page or contact your assigned MSBA Project Manager or Project Coordinator for assistance.