Project Advisory 81, June 2023


Update to the MSBA's Green Schools Program, Replaces Project Advisory 76

The Massachusetts School Building Authority (the “MSBA”) has reviewed information related to upcoming changes to the Massachusetts building code, energy code, and indoor air quality that may affect the MSBA’s Green Schools Program. This new policy affects all new construction and major renovation/addition Core Program projects requesting Preferred Schematic approval after the June 21, 2023 MSBA Board meeting. For more detailed information, review the updated memo linked below.

Projects may be impacted as follows:

  1. The requirement to comply with the MSBA’s Green Schools Program 2022 policy remains in effect for all Core Program projects that requested Project Scope and Budget approval on or before the June 21, 2023 MSBA Board meeting.
  2. For projects that predate 2022, refer to the Green Schools Program policies in place at the time.


Minimum Requirements

2022 Policy

2023 Policy

Using LEED-S, for no additional reimbursement, achieve a minimum of “Certified,” including a minimum total of three points (from seven points available) from the following three categories: 

  • MR Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Material Ingredients 
  • IEQ - Low Emitting Materials 
  • IEQ – Indoor Air Quality Assessment 


Using NE-CHPS, for no additional reimbursement, achieve a minimum of “Verified”, including a minimum total of five points (from ten points available) from the following four categories: 

  • EQ 5.1.3 Indoor Air Quality Management – Building Flush Out 
  • EQ 7.0 Low Emitting Materials 
  • EQ 7.1 Additional Low Emitting Materials 
  • MW 10.1 Health Product Information Reporting 


Exceed the level of energy efficiency required in the current Massachusetts (base) energy code by 10%, using the LEED-S EA “Optimize Energy Performance” credit submittal or the NE-CHPS “Energy Efficiency” credit submittal to demonstrate that performance. 


Using LEED-S, for no additional reimbursement, achieve a minimum of “Silver,” including a minimum total of three points (from seven points available) from the following three categories: 

  • MR Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Material Ingredients 
  • IEQ - Low Emitting Materials 
  • IEQ – Indoor Air Quality Assessment 


Using NE-CHPS, for no additional reimbursement, achieve a minimum of “Verified”, including a minimum total of five points (from ten points available) from the following four categories: 

  • EQ 5.1.3 Indoor Air Quality Management – Building Flush Out 
  • EQ 7.0 Low Emitting Materials 
  • EQ 7.1 Additional Low Emitting Materials 
  • MW 10.1 Health Product Information Reporting 


Meet the minimum energy efficiency requirements described in the MA DOER “Stretch Code Green Community” standards.



2022 Policy

2023 Policy

For an additional reimbursement of 2% of the Estimated Basis of Total Facilities Grant, and in addition to the minimum requirements described above, projects must exceed the level of energy efficiency required in the current Massachusetts (base) energy code by 20%, using the LEED-S EA “Optimize Energy Performance” credit submittal or the NE-CHPS “Energy Efficiency” credit submittal to demonstrate that performance. 

For an additional reimbursement of 3% of the Estimated Basis of Total Facilities Grant, and in addition to the minimum requirements described above, projects must meet the minimum energy efficiency requirements described in the MA DOER “Opt-in Specialized Code” standards.

For an additional reimbursement of 1% of the Estimated Basis of Total Facilities Grant, and in addition to the minimum requirements described above, projects must achieve a minimum total of five points (from seven available points) in the LEED indoor air quality points noted above, or a minimum total of eight point (from ten available points) in the NE-CHPS indoor air quality points noted above.


In anticipation of this change, Districts, OPMs and Design teams should be aware that it is incumbent upon the Districts and their Designers to design to the appropriate sustainable criteria and establish project costs accordingly. MSBA will not revise the agreed upon Total Maximum Facilities Grant in the Project Scope and Budget Agreement to accommodate any potential change in the scope of work or any unanticipated cost increases associated with this new policy.

These changes were noted in the Update on Sustainable Building Design Guidelines and Policy Recommendations that was presented at the MSBA's Board of Directors Meeting on June 21, 2023. More information about the Green School Program can be found on the Green Schools page of the website. Any questions should be directed to MSBA Design Director, Karl Brown, AIA.