Cities, Towns and Regional School Districts (“Districts”) invited into the MSBA’s Eligibility Period are required to sign and submit an Initial Compliance Certification (“ICC”) within the first 30-days of the district’s Eligibility Period commencement date. By signing the ICC, the District is acknowledging the MSBA’s regulations and agreeing to work in collaboration with the MSBA and in compliance with its enabling legislation and regulations (See: Chapter 70B and 963 CMR 2.00 et seq).
The MSBA suggests that local officials involved in the grant process review the ICC ahead of the of the Chief Executive Officer, the School Committee Chair, and the Superintendent signing and submitting the document. A sample of the ICC can be found here.
The Eligible Applicant as defined by M.G.L. Chapter 70B, Section 2 shall have a continuing duty throughout all phases of a proposed project or approved project to inform the MSBA, in writing, when it becomes aware of information that invalidates the statements, acknowledgements, or representations made in the ICC.