School Building Committee



Cities, Towns and Regional School Districts (“Districts”) that have been invited into the MSBA’s Eligibility Period are required to form a School Building Committee (“SBC”) to oversee and facilitate the proposed project. The SBC should be formed in accordance with the District’s local charter and/or by-laws as well as with the MSBA’s regulations, found in 963 CMR 2.10(3).

The MSBA’s template SBC form is to be used in submitting District membership with a sample form found here. The SBC form is due within the first 60 days of a District’s Eligibility Period commencement date and must be on District letterhead with an authorized signature for the District. The MSBA will accept an electronic copy of the signed SBC form. Upon receipt, the MSBA will review the makeup of the SBC submitted by the District and then sign off on the SBC form if it meets the MSBA’s requirements. When changes occur to the SBC, the District must notify the MSBA within 20 calendar days by providing an updated form for review and acceptance as outlined above.

General SBC FAQs

  1. Can an individual fill more than one role on the SBC?

Yes. Individuals can fill more than one role/designation on the SBC. 963 CMR 2.10(3)(b) provides recommendations for who should be included in the SBC membership. provides recommendations for who should be included in the SBC membership.

  1. Who appoints members to the SBC?
  1. The SBC shall be formed as set forth in 963 CMR 2.10(3) and in accordance with the provisions of the Eligible Applicant’s local charter and/or by-laws. The MSBA suggests that the Eligible Applicant consult with its local counsel to determine who may appoint SBC members.
  1. My community has a formal Permanent Building Committee (the “PBC”) in place; can the PBC act as the SBC?
  1. In the case where a District has a Permanent Building Committee (“PBC”), a District must still submit a School Building Committee Form to the MSBA for review and approval. The District must also submit the makeup of the PBC and the provisions from their local charter. The MSBA recommends that the District make a reasonable effort to include the designations listed in 963 CMR 2.10 (3). Depending upon the makeup of the PBC, all designations on the SBC form may not be completed. The District must include a member of the School Committee on the SBC, as required by M.G.L. c. 71, § 68.  The SBC form for the District’s PBC is still subject to MSBA review and approval.
  1. How do we know who can and cannot be a voting member on the SBC?
  1. The MSBA suggests that the District consult its local by-laws/charter and/or its local counsel to determine who can be a voting member on the SBC. For example, in some municipalities you must be a city/town resident in order to be a voting member.
  1. Is there a minimum requirement of voting members for the School Building Committee?
  1. There is no minimum number of voting members required by the MSBA; this is left to the discretion of the District. The MSBA suggests that the District consult its local by-laws/charter and/or its local counsel to determine who can be a voting member on the SBC.
  1. What Massachusetts Certified Public Purchasing Official (“MCPPO”) certification is needed for the SBC Member who is MCPPO Certified?
  1. The member filling this designation on the SBC form is required to be designated as a Massachusetts Certified Public Purchasing Official (MCPPO) through the Massachusetts Certified Public Purchasing Official Program as administered by the Inspector General of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Office of the Inspector General has updated the MCPPO designations. The MCPPO designations are: MCPPO and Associate MCPPO.


  • Successful completion of Public Contracting Overview, Design and Construction Contracting, and Supplies and Services Contracting within three years. Each class concludes with an exam.
  • Three or more years of procurement related experience.

Associate MCPPO:

  • Successful completion of Public Contracting Overview, Design and Construction Contracting, and Supplies and Services Contracting within three years. Each class concludes with an exam.
  • Less than three years of procurement related experience.

More information on the MCPPO Program can be found here: MCPPO Designation |

Please also note that, as specified on the SBC form, the MCPPO Certification or MCPPO recertification letter for this individual must be up to date, submitted with the original SBC form and kept current throughout the life of the project.

  1. If an SBC member’s term as an elected official ends (e.g. a School Committee member), can they still serve on the committee in another capacity?
  1. Yes. They can remain on the SBC and be placed in the “other” category so long as the District continues to maintain the suggested membership. For instance, if a School Committee member declines to run for re-election they may remain a member of the SBC, but a current School Committee member should also become a member of the SBC.
  1. Do we need to list past performance on the second page for every role listed on the SBC?
  1. The District must list the past performance of the school building committee, the building committee (temporary or permanent), or any other committee responsible for oversight, management, or administration of the construction of public buildings and its individual members, as indicated on the MSBA’s SBC form.

SBC FAQs pertaining to specific designations on the form:

  1. Who fills the role of the “Administrator” or “Manager”?
  1. This designation on the SBC form refers to the person with the title of Town Administrator, Town Manager, or City Manager. However, not every community will have someone who fills this role. Therefore, this designation may be left blank if it does not apply to your district.
  1. Who should fill the “Representative of Office authorized by law to construct school buildings” designation?
  1. Many local officials can fill this role. For example:
      1. In a Town, it may be a member of the Board of Selectmen, a member of the School Committee, or a member of the Permanent Building Committee
      2. In a City, it may be the Mayor, the Manager, a member of City Council, or the City’s Capital Planning department
      3. In a Regional School District, it may be a member of the regional school committee or the district’s Superintendent

Please note: This role is likely to be filled by an individual who is also serving in some other capacity on the SBC, such as the Local CEO. Please consult with local counsel as necessary to make this determination.

        1. Who can fill the “Member knowledgeable in educational mission and function of facility” role?
  1. This role can be filled by many different individuals such as: the Superintendent, the School Principal, a School Committee member, or a teacher.
  1. Who can fill the “Local budget official” role?
  1. This role can be filled by a City/Town Treasurer, City Comptroller, or a member of the Finance Committee. This spot may also be filled by the Mayor, a member of the Board of Selectmen, or a Regional School Committee member.
  1. Who can fill the “Local Official responsible for Building Maintenance” role?
  1. This role can be filled by a School Department or Municipal official who oversees building maintenance, such as a Building Commissioner or Facilities Director.